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Repeat Prescriptions

What are Repeat Prescriptions?

Repeat prescriptions are a system where patients with a continuous need for medication can obtain regular supplies without having to see the doctor every time they need a fresh prescription.

How do they work?

When you are started on a medication which you will need to take continuously, your doctor will authorise a certain number of repeat issues which can be given before he/she needs to see you again to check the effectiveness and safety of the medication. The number of repeat issues will vary according to the medication and your clinical condition. Most issues will have sufficient medication for a 28 day period. You will be given a green prescription form for the pharmacist and a white form, the repeat slip, for yourself. Keep this repeat slip safe as it contains the list of all the medications you are taking regularly and you will need it to order more. It can also be very helpful for doctors other than your GPs to know what medications you take and you should bring this form to any hospital clinics that you attend. When you need more medication, you tick the medications on the repeat slip that you are running short of, and deliver the slip to the surgery. We will then issue within 48 hours, two working days:

  • a prescription for the medications you have ticked and
  • a new repeat slip
By telephone

Please do not telephone to order your prescriptions

In Person

Deliver the slip by hand to our receptionists or post it in the red mail box by our main entrance.

By Post

Post the slip to us (but remember to include an S.A.E. if you want the prescription form and/or slip to be posted back to you).

We will then process your prescription request within 48 hours of receiving it. 

On Line

The NHS Wales App has now replaced My Health Online.  To ensure continuity of services, please download the App today -


If you need any help with NHS Login, please visit - NHS login - NHS Wales App

If you require an item that you have not had prescribed for you before, you will need to call the practice on 01248 600212 to book a telephone consultation with one of our Clinicians. 


